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公司建立了省级“高端电子覆铜板工程技术研究中心”,设备齐全,基础条件较好,中心面积达200平方米。研发中心选购了世界.上大的仪器制造商铂金埃尔默  (PerkinElmer)股份有限公司热分析仪器,高效、精准、测试稳定,主要有DSC4000、TMA4000、DMA8000、TGA8000及FTIR等;购进了在流变测量技术方面的多个领域处于世界地位的安东帕MCR102流变仪,其控温系统全,控温精度高,拥有从-150°C~1000°C超宽温度范围,方便快捷的进行流变学测量;为了满足5G产品低介电低损耗的基板的开发,公司选购了威瑞科技公司的网络分析仪,它是--种.能在宽频带内进行扫描测量以确定网络参量的综合性微波测量仪器,为新产品的研发提供强有力的技术参数。研发中心还有各种测试物性的先进设备,如激光粒径分析仪、电子显微镜、切片磨抛机、高压蒸煮仪器、抗剥离强度仪器、漏电起痕测试仪、Waterse2695高效液相色谱仪等。

In order to create world-class medium andhigh-end products, our company established a research and development center in 2018. The R& D center takes the R & D of new technology,new process and new product as the core task,and under the guidance of senior experts in the industry, it has built an excellent technology R&D team with strong technological innovation ability, willing to study hard, willing to endure hardships and highly collaborative spirit. The R & D center has cooperated with professors and doctors of Central South University, Chongqing University of Posts and telecommunications,Zhengzhou University in research and development of production, learning, researchand project, and jointly developed advanced materials for 5G communication, new energy vehicles, military electronics, rail transit and other fields. The company has established a provincial "high-end electronic copper clad laminate engineering technology research center" with complete equipment and good basic conditions, covering an area of 200 square meters.The R&D center has purchased the thermal analysis instrument of Perkin Elmer Co, LTD.,the world's largest instrument manufacturer,with high efficiency, accuracy and stable test,mainly including DSC4000, TMA4000, DMA8000,

TGA8000 and FTIR, etc:; It has purchased the antonpa MCR102 rheometer, which is the world's first in many fields of rheological measurement technology, with the most complete temperature control system and precise temperature control with the highest temperature range of - 150 °C ~ 1000 °C, it is convenient and quick to cary out rheological measurement. In order to meet the development of 5G products with low dielectric and low loss,the company has selected the network analyzer of Weirui Technology Co., Ltd., which is a comprehensive microwave measuringinstrument capable of scanning and measuring in a wide frequency band to determine network parameters, providing a strong force for the research and development of new products

Technical parameters of. The R & D center also has a variety of advanced equipment for testing physical properties, such as laser particle size analyzer, electronic microscope, slice grinding and polishing machine, high-pressure cooking instrument, anti stripping strength jinstrument, leakage tracking tester, waters e2695 high-performance liquidchromatograph, etc

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